خانه / کتاب ، جزوه / پاورپوینت آماده; Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device, the Instruction Set and the Addressing Modes

پاورپوینت آماده; Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device, the Instruction Set and the Addressing Modes

پاورپوینت آماده; Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device, the Instruction Set and the Addressing Modes

مطالب اسلایدهای ابتدایی این پاورپوینت به شرح زیر است   تعداد اسلاید : 50 اسلاید 1 Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device, the Instruction Set and the Addressing Modes SYSC5603 (ELG6163) Digital Signal Processing Microprocessors, Software and Applications Miodrag Bolic 2 Outline FIR filter on ADPS-21xDSP RequirementsFast Multiply-Accumulates (Data-path) Extended Precision Accumulator Register (Data-path) Dual Operand Fetch (Memory) Circular Buffering (Addressing) Zero-Overhead Looping (Instruction set)Analog Devices Architectures and ProgrammingSHARCBlackfinPerformance Optimization 3 ADSP -21x Copied from [Kester03] 4 CALCULATING OUTPUTS OF 4-TAP FIR FILTER USING A CIRCULAR BUFFER y(3) = h(0) x(3) + h(1) x(2) + h(2) x(1) + h(3) x(0) y(4) = h(0) x(4) + h(1) x(3) + h(2) x(2) + h(3) x(1) y(5) = h(0) x(5) + h(1) x(4) + h(2) x(3) + h(3) x(2) MemoryLocation0123 Readx(0)x(1)x(2)x(3) Writex(4) Readx(4)x(1)x(2)x(3) Writex(5) Readx(4)x(5)x(2)x(3) Copied from [Kester03] 5 FIR filter steps 1 …


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درباره Behdadkhakzad

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