استاندارهاي نمايشگاه هاي موزه اي و معيارهاي صلاحيت
متن حاضر ترجمه ای است از مقاله Standards for Museum Exhibitionsand Indicators of Excellence. فایل مذکور حاوی فایل pdf مقاله انگلیسی در 5 صفحه و فایل Word ترجمه مقاله به زبان فارسی در 7 صفحه. مترجم: علی خیابانیان تیترهای اصلی مقاله انگلیسی را در پایین می توانید مطالعه کنید: INTRODUCTIONExhibitions are the public face of museums. The effective presentation ofcollections and information in exhibitions is an activity unique to museums, and itis through their exhibitions that the vast majority of people know museums.Museum exhibitions are complex, and even modest ones require the time,energy, and expertise of many people. Museums now realize that effectiveplanning, management of resources, research and interpretation, collectionscare, marketing, merchandising, design and fabrication, public programs,publications, and fund raising all contribute to the fulfillment of a museum’smission. However, it is vital that we as a profession not lose sight of theimportance of the exhibi …
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